Success Stories!

We love to brag about how amazing our clients and their dogs are! Here are a few stories that show how a dedicated and loving owner with the correct knowledge can change a dogs life for the better. 

Don't give up on your dog, we are here to help!


Written by Caesar's family 

Caesar struggles with anxiety and resource guarding us. He displayed aggressive tendencies and would bark incessantly at people and dogs that came near my husband or me. The first thing I noticed working with Julie and Grace was the amount of respect they gave Caesar. During training sessions they kept distance, avoided eye contact, and let him set the boundaries. This approach worked so well and within just weeks Caesar was greeting Julie with kisses. Julie continued to find new challenges for Caesar so we could be prepared for various situations that may cause him anxiety. Caesar still has anxiety, and probably always will, but Julie and Grace have given us the tools to help Caesar trust us and communicate with us so that we can predict, redirect and calm his emotions. This has been especially helpful since we just brought a newborn into the home. Before coming to Dog’s Play I was feeling extremely defeated and was sure I was a failure to my dog. Julie and Grace gave us the support and confidence that we needed and I cannot thank them enough.


Written by Danny's foster mom 

Danny was at our shelter for over a year. He was only 2 when he came to the shelter and he had the energy of a puppy. Many volunteers and some staff were not comfortable walking Danny because of his high energy and jumping. After about 6 months he started going kennel crazy and would react toward some dogs that walked past his kennel. He then became labeled a staff-only walk and rarely got out of his kennel. I started taking Danny to my house after 8 months at the shelter. He was like a complete different dog once he got out of the shelter environment. Before he left for his training camp I was trying to teach him how to play with the toys. He just wants to be a dog and never learned how to be one.

Written by his trainers:

When Danny came to use it was his last chance before euthanasia. He had so many people who absolutely loved him but after a year in the shelter he needed help learning how to trust again.

Danny was adopted after about 2 months of hard work at Dog's Play. He had improved incredibly and was learning to trust people and dogs again. Even with all of the progress he made he needed the perfect home with a person who would continue to keep him safe. After more than a year since he was first found as a stray Danny found that home! We couldn't be happier for him and his new family!


Written by Josie's family

Josie has always been a very anxious dog who would even jump at a grocery bag if it moved slightly. Our vet helped us to find an anxiety medication for her but it didn’t completely resolve the fearfulness. Rather than raise her medication dose, we started taking her to agility class at Dog’s Play. When she started out she was scared of every single obstacle. Over time she tried more and more equipment and soon she was flying through the course. Not only did we notice her confidence grow on the agility course, but she became more confident at home. Agility has been so much more than a sport or competition for us. It has improved Josie’s emotional health and had nurtured a much closer bond with our pup.


Meet Molly superstar service dog in training. She has been training with us since eight weeks old. At seven months she has passed her puppy STAR and her CGC. She is now in the advanced community canine class and will be graduating our service dog program very soon. Could not be more proud of this super dog and her solider. SO PROUD OF THEM! 


Dioji came to Dog's Play in 2021, after completing his Puppy Kindergarten and Basic Obedience Training. His owners brought him to us because they wanted to him to earn his Canine Good Citizen Titles. After going through the Foundations class and the Public Manners class, his Mawm decided to see if he would be a good fit for her Service Dog. As it turns out, he is doing really well at his tasking and accompanies his Mawm to school! As an added bonus, Dioji has earned his TKN, TKI, TKP, and is now working on his Elite Performer Title!

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